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WPCA Minutes 05/22/2012
Sub Committee meeting

Tuesday May 22nd, 2012 10.20am
Member Residence

Chairman of sub committee Louis Russo and Secretary Stacey Pamplin present.  

Call to order/welcome:
Louis Russo called the meeting to order at 10.20am, and welcomed all.

-Members present:  David Redfield, Louis Russo, and Roger Breunig.

-As this is a sub committee meeting no motions were made throughout.

Agreed arrangement for future meetings:

After discussion members agreed on Wednesdays at 1.00pm for future weekly meetings.

Aim of the sub committee:

Members discussed the priorities and current issues of the WPCA. Members agreed the primary mission of the sub committee is to deliver a plan of action to the WPCA’s regular monthly meeting, with aim to enhance the WPCA’s progress in resolving current issues.


  • Members agreed data credibility is of primary importance and the WPCA.  All potential directions for resolving the water sewage issue in beach communities must be thoroughly investigated, and accurate facts/figures from studies obtained.  
  • At David Redfields request as a recent member of the WPCA, the group updated him on a previous meeting held two years ago. David was also informed of past significant events that may have influenced the beach communities opinion’s of the WPCA.  The sub committee aim to achieve a better relationship between the WPCA and beach communities in the future.
  • Roger read aloud an email from Luisa Grogan to the group. The email demonstrated the lack of information for the public and the general feeling the public have regarding sewage issues.
  • The group discussed future testing in the beach communities being placed under a privacy clause to protect home owners and the WPCA.  With information only available to relevent professionals.  Members talked about trusting the information the WPCA already have from previous studies, and wether this information is credible.  Members went on to talk about the possibility of voiding this previous information if deemed unacceptable.
  • Members agreed that the WPCA should request Brian Curtis ( WPCA engineer )  produce a scope of an all encompassing study in the local area, and inform residents that the WPCA are preparing to conduct said study.  Once the study as taken place the group intend to approach the beach communities with results and information.  The suggested ways to do this were through mailings and informational meetings where all possible avenues can be discussed, such as:
-Water management district (WMD)
-Repairing what is available on site

  • Members went on to talk about a motion made to have the Health Department enforce in compliant residents to pump, made by Luisa Grogan in the previous WPCA regular meeting 05.17.2012.  Members expressed concern as to the effect this will have on the relationship between the WPCA and the local beach communities and also the possible support we wish to develop within these communities.    

-Roger Breunig will investigate the spent on mailing and printing costs, and the option to add letter to the selectman's report.  Roger will also put together an introduction to the WPCA’s intentions ready for the first informational letter to the public.
-David Redfield will investigate Old Saybrook’s processes, with aim to find guidance in the best way for the WPCA to achieve credible data
-Louis will put out an email to update Dimitri Tolchinski (Chairman) and other WPCA members.

Meeting adjourned by Louis Russo at 12.00 pm

Stacey Pamplin
